
Showing posts from 2017

Today I Rise

I have been quiet too long. The time is now. Today I rise. This is one of the most inspiring videos out there. It connects me to my passion. Reminds me why I am here. Calls me to speak to more women and heart centered men and to share with them my message, my gifts, my talents. Today I rise into the woman I have always been, yet have never fully shown.  I have been quiet too long. The time is now. Today I rise.

Violence against women—it's a men's issue: Jackson Katz at TEDxFiDiWomen

A mans view that I found truly inspirational.... the world needs to change....

TEDxGrassValley - Chameli Ardagh - The Fierce face of the Feminine

This is one of my all time favourite TED talks. Chameli just captures raw feminine energy in a way that very few do and gives it a voice... I love this. Enjoy it as much as I did...

The Secret to Desire in Long Term Relationships

I stumbled on this one by accident this week. What an inspired woman, with so many fascinating insights... some I certainly intend to explore

Brene Brown - Braving the Wilderness

This is a wonderful interview full of insights and learning. It's not often I start with a quote, but these words are the closing words of this interview and had such a profound impact on me.. I’ll leave you with this, there will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary and we’ll doubt our ability to make our way through the uncertainity. Someone somewhere will say “don’t do it, you don’t have what it takes to survive the wilderness”. This is when you reach deep into your wild heart and say “I am the wilderness.  And if you want her book (which I will review at a future date) here is the link. She is one inspiring woman......

Keepers of The Flame - The Feminine Divine

A legend in his own time, Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) was mythology and comparative religions professor at Sarah Lawrence College when it was an all female school for privileged young women. The handsome, charismatic Campbell had his students swooning in the aisles until he finally married one.  "A guy chases a girl until she catches him!" "Follow Your Bliss" An avid admirer of Joseph Campbell, George Lucas used Campbell's book, "The Hero's Journey" as a direct reference for the creation of "Star Wars." The two became close friends and admirers of each other's work. Television journalist Bill Moyers' legendary PBS documentary "The Power of Myth," is a series of interviews with Joseph Campbell at Lucas' Skywalker Ranch. In these interviews Campbell encourages his audience to follow their bliss, to discover what excites them, and to make that the basis for their personal journeys. In Campbell's, "Goddes

HeForShe - Emma Watson

What an amazing, empowered woman Emma Watson is! Love your thoughts on this speech. Every time I hear it, I think more and more of her. What do you think?

Pussy - a good bedtime read and definitely not what you might expect from the title

As a true British girl, the title alone of this book meant I didn't open it for months (maybe even a year) after I bought it. Well it was a total revelation to me, loved the book and learnt a lot about myself. Found it very empowering and it made me see feminist and feminine in a totally different light. Was shocked by some of my own prejudices actually. I didn't realize how much I had bought into our patriarchal values..... so enjoy and let me know what you think.... And you can buy it in the UK or the USA through Amazon..... fantastic!

Embodying the Divine Feminine: 13 Tips for Juicing Up Your Daily Life

The Divine Feminine has many faces and shows up in many different ways in each of our lives- whether we are embodied as women or an men. I have found it helpful to explore these aspects through 13 different faces of the divine feminine-or archetypes-as laid out in the work of Ariel Spilsbury, author of the 13 Moon Oracle and co-author of the Mayan Oracle. Below is everyday wisdom that I have gleaned from working with these 13 archetypes over the past years. 1. Wisdom from the Great Mother: Feed the Feminine First! BEGIN each day doing something that deeply nurtures your feminine side. If you wait to do it later in the day, it will likely not happen. For me, feeding the feminine first means waking up without an alarm clock, allowing myself to take time to note my dreams before getting out of bed. It means making a slow cup of tea to start my day and spending a little time out in the garden-before I open my computer for the day. Feeding the feminine first means starting my day with

Being in Touch With Your Feminine Side is Healthy

Whether it's President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice or the recent election of four women to the Kuwait assembly, it begs the question: Is everyone getting more in touch with their feminine side? Regardless of gender, every person has masculine and feminine attributes. Being in touch with your feminine side is healthy for both men and women. While masculine energy has been more associated with positive traits such as action and strength, the more receptive feminine energy has often been labeled as weak and emotional. However, it's precisely the connection with the emotions and feelings inherent in the feminine that gives women (and many men) incredible power and forethought. Intuition, often described as "women's intuition", is the attainment of knowledge outside of the normal rational thinking process. It's that little voice inside of you that guides you, warns you and comforts you. It can save you time, and

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

I grew up on the same fairy tales as most, where the helpless, beautiful princess is rescued by the strong, handsome prince. It had never struck me that there was anything wrong with that or that I might have benefited from a different approach to stories or just more variety in the stories I heard. A new book, compiled and written by two Italian ladies has changed my perception. Their story book is full of true stories of inspirational women, written for children. They reckon the media is full of great stories for boys, but lacks the strong female characters needed to inspire a generation. I must say, I've just ordered my own copy. It includes the stories of people we've heard of such as Michelle Obama, Malala and Ada Lovelace. Women who definitely don't need rescuing...... So time to read: Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo... Love to know and hear what people think. Is this a good and necessary idea?