
Showing posts from June, 2017

Embodying the Divine Feminine: 13 Tips for Juicing Up Your Daily Life

The Divine Feminine has many faces and shows up in many different ways in each of our lives- whether we are embodied as women or an men. I have found it helpful to explore these aspects through 13 different faces of the divine feminine-or archetypes-as laid out in the work of Ariel Spilsbury, author of the 13 Moon Oracle and co-author of the Mayan Oracle. Below is everyday wisdom that I have gleaned from working with these 13 archetypes over the past years. 1. Wisdom from the Great Mother: Feed the Feminine First! BEGIN each day doing something that deeply nurtures your feminine side. If you wait to do it later in the day, it will likely not happen. For me, feeding the feminine first means waking up without an alarm clock, allowing myself to take time to note my dreams before getting out of bed. It means making a slow cup of tea to start my day and spending a little time out in the garden-before I open my computer for the day. Feeding the feminine first means starting my day with