
Showing posts from October, 2017

Today I Rise

I have been quiet too long. The time is now. Today I rise. This is one of the most inspiring videos out there. It connects me to my passion. Reminds me why I am here. Calls me to speak to more women and heart centered men and to share with them my message, my gifts, my talents. Today I rise into the woman I have always been, yet have never fully shown.  I have been quiet too long. The time is now. Today I rise.

Violence against women—it's a men's issue: Jackson Katz at TEDxFiDiWomen

A mans view that I found truly inspirational.... the world needs to change....

TEDxGrassValley - Chameli Ardagh - The Fierce face of the Feminine

This is one of my all time favourite TED talks. Chameli just captures raw feminine energy in a way that very few do and gives it a voice... I love this. Enjoy it as much as I did...