
Showing posts from 2016

Honor the Feminine

"God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met." ~Farrah Fawcett Love yourself up today. Today is the best day of your life! What if every step you took from this point on stimulated your inner Goddess and felt simply Divine? What if you were allowed to eat chocolate every day, dance as if nobody were watching, and attract the lover of your dreams? When you take time to focus on certain aspects of your energy, you will begin to notice you are getting more energy, as well as attracting more positive life force into your body. When you are unaware of the power within you, and slightly disconnected from your radiance, you may be looking outside of yourself for the love that exists within. Your work today--and for the rest of time--is to go within and connect with this natural life force energy that is always available to you. The feminine energy within is filled with swirling, dancing, creative,

THE AND - Interactive Documentary with Dir. Topaz Adizes

Fascinating look at relationships in a way I never thought possible through film.....

The pleasure revolution: Regena Thomashauer at TEDxFiDiWomen

Inspirational from the great mistress of pleasure Mama Gena